Bats’ reputation for diseases precedes them, but they also are an important cornerstone of our ecosystem. Bats play a large role in limiting the mosquito population in our area which we all greatly appreciate! It is not uncommon for a bat to find its way into your house, and we will gladly remove the lost mosquito eater for you. Sometimes one bat does not actually mean one bat and an entire colony could be present. In any case, we’ll make sure your home or workplace is bat-free!
The most common call we receive is for a bird that finds its way into a residence or workplace and can’t find its way out. Fear not, as we can help return the avian interloper to the open skies where it belongs!
While cute and small these rodents can also be destructive! They commonly dig up plants in gardens, chew wires and even find residence in your garage or house. While we may admire their chubby cheeks we may not want them terrorizing our yards. Fear not! BEAST is on the way to capture and relocate Theodore, Simon, and yes, even ALVIN!!!
Whether you call them groundhogs, woodchucks, or gophers, you probably do not want them around your garden. These large rodents have quite the appetite. They love digging under sheds, living in woodpiles, and eating your fruits or vegetables. BEAST will do their best to capture them and figure out just how much wood can they chuck.
Opossums are North America’s only native marsupial (yes they are related to kangaroos!). They do a great job of pest control in your community, but also do a great job of becoming a nuisance! They can get into trash, upset pets, defecate on your property, or even claim residence in your attic! We can set up traps and reintroduce any unwanted marsupials back into the wild.
Raccoons, or trash pandas, may seem cute to some but they can pack a punch! They have extremely sharp teeth and are prone to rabies. While beneficial to our local ecosystem, they can be a nuisance to have around your residence or workplace. New raccoon mothers are also known to make nests in attics to care for their babies! Let us trap these masked bandits safely for you!
Whether a mouse or rat problem, we have you covered! Their reputation about multiplying precedes them so it is best to get them taken care of ASAP! No matter how long they have been scurrying around in your residence or workplace we will evict these unwanted visitors just the same.
BEAST can’t quite imagine why you would want to get rid of skunks in your yard. OH! That’s right. The obvious reason! Skunks not only can pack a potent punch but they are very good diggers and can dig up gardens and lawns looking for grubs. BEAST happens to think, despite their smell, that skunks are extraordinary creatures and loves catching them!
There are two venomous snake species native to Connecticut. The Timber Rattlesnake and the Copperhead. There are also plenty of nonvenomous snakes in the area as well. Assuming you do not want to identify the snake yourself, call us and we will happily do that for you! We LOVE catching snakes and will get there as fast as traffic lets us to relocate your unwanted new slithery friend.
Despite their small stature, these critters are quite intelligent! They famously love living in attics and we famously… well don’t love having them there. They love causing a ruckus and chewing on wires. Evicting them can be tricky but lucky for you, BEAST is ready for the challenge!
We highlighted our most high volume animals above but we are not limited to just these pesky pals! We have experience working with almost every animal imaginable and would love to add to that list. Reach out today and let us know how BEAST can help you!
We offer exclusion work to your property to assure there are no entries available for animals to get in. This can be done after trapping or even if you have not had any animal entries yet!